Wednesday 19 April 2017

development of technology

Growing Technology
From 1914-1928 artists developed the animation technology and began to teach others about animation.
1928 Walt Disney debuts the first cartoon to feature animation and sound.

It is called Steamboat Willie.
Looking to the Future
After Steamboat Willie, the animation world grew in leaps and bounds.
Even as technology advances, the basics of animation are still based stop-motion
During the next 40 years animation transitions from a fanciful toy into a major business (1930s-1970s)
Walt Disney Company
Fox Animation
Warner Brothers Animation
MGM Animation
Computer Generated Imagery
In the late 1970s to early 1980s Computer Generated Imagery or CGI is used in film for the first time.
CGI allows animators to create fantasy situation and illusions within real live action.
The first mainstream movie that used CGI was The Last Starfighter  in 1984.
CGI Grows
In 1995 Toy Story premiered. It was the first full-length motion picture to be entirely CGI.
Pinnacle of Animation
The movie Avatar uses CGI animation alongside other image-based technologies to create stunning visual effects.  

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